Lava Spits and Swirls Near Geldingadalur Volcano
30,766 次觀看・3 年前
Red hot lava swirled like a small tornado during the Geldingadalur volcano explosion in Iceland on April 28.
Sigurdur Helgason filmed a video that shows pieces of red glowing lava spinning in circles before falling close to the inspectors near the active volcano. Helgason told Storyful the lava had launched into the air about 100 meters high.
“The first thing that came up in my mind was the idea of a Shark Tornado,” Helgason said.
The Geldingadalur volcano has been active since March 19 and in the past week has spilled lava up to 300 meters in the air, a local media outlet reported on May 3. Credit: Volcano Man (Siggizoom) via Storyful
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