Philippine designer fashions gowns out of recycled trash
2 年前
STORY: “My name is Leonora Buenviaje, I'm 51-years old and I am a seamstress and fashion designer.”
This seamstress turns recycled trash into dresses
Location: Cainta, Philippines
She uses a foot-operated sewing machine
to stitch and weave different plastics and old rice sacks
[Leonora Buenviaje, Philippine seamstress]
“These are bubble wraps used as packaging for deliveries and from orders my children made. It can still be used and we can make something from it. This one is a bit wide, we can use this for the top of our black ball gown.”
Buenviaje's wedding dresses and gowns sell for up to $50
She hopes to organize her own fashion events in the future
to inspire others to create clothing out of recycled materials
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