Majority of Americans report having a snack on them at all times

3 年前
Americans are so snack-happy that seven in 10 have a treat with them at all times, according to new research. According to a recent poll of 2,000 people, 69% admitted that they always bring some kind of snack with them when they're on the go. At least three times a week, over 51% will even fill up on snack food instead of preparing a balanced meal for themselves — but not necessarily healthy ones, results suggest. In fact, six out of 10 people admitted that their first choice of snack is a sugar- or salt-laden one, with the most popular choices being potato chips (56%), chocolate (55%) and candy (45%). Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Go Raw, the study also probed respondents on their desire to eat healthier snacks. Over 53% would swap out their favorite unhealthy option for a healthier one if there were more options available at a similar price point.