Man Quits His Walmart Job With Rant Over the Store's PA System

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A man in Grande Prairie, Canada, quit his job in the most legendary fashion when he announced his departure over the store’s speaker system on December 6.

Jackson Racicot shared a video of his rant on Facebook in which he is seen alerting the store how badly he has been treated by management. “How I quit my job today. Like, must watch. I also ran out a fire door. Y’all should share this around lol,” he posted.

Racicot claims his benefits were that of a part time employee despite doing full time work and his manager called him “a waste of time.” When Racicot finished giving his notice, cheers could be heard in the store. As of writing, the post has over 1,500 shares and over 140,000 views on Facebook. Credit: Jackson Racicot via Storyful