Mexican designer turns flyers into eco-friendly bags

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STORY: :: This Mexican designer is turning political

flyers into bags in a bid for sustainability

:: Mexico City, Mexico

:: June 6, 2024

:: Camilo Morales, Fashion Designer

"We should demand them (politicians) to stop this material because it's very difficult to recycle and biodegrade. They have a recyclable logo but as it’s made of two polymers, the process is difficult and expensive. So the parties don’t do it as it’s not in their interest.”

Morales said he started to collect banners to clear the streets from electoral advertising in an exceptionally long electoral process in Mexico. From his studio in Mexico City, he up-cycles second-hand garments for his brand RERE MX.

Mexico’s largest election process ever, ended June 2, with more than 20,000 positions up for grabs and almost 100 million Mexicans eligible to vote.

But propaganda has emerged in public spaces since last year with the parties’ primary elections.

Morales's bags are his way to demand politicians stop using non-degradable plastic materials in their campaigns.