Military Working Dogs Participate in Joint NATO Training in Lithuania
Dogs and their trainers from 11 NATO allied nations gathered in Kaunas, Lithuania, on September 12, for practical training as part of exercise Engineer Thunder 23.
Footage released by NATO shows the canines and their handlers at work in the Darius and Girenas Stadium.
The dogs were put through their paces on explosives and physical training, followed by a bit of time to play.
Private Zovile from the Lithuanian Army said: "We have the dogs and they do most of the work. Of course we need to give them directions, but they use their noses, their senses, and they are supposed to show us where the explosives are.
“It’s always good to see how other countries communicate with dogs, how other countries are working, how other handlers are working with their dogs. So it’s not only that we can do different exercises, come with different ideas, but also get a lot of experience from other handlers who may be working longer or who had some other issues with the dogs and how they solve them,” Zovile said.
Military working dogs are a part of NATO’s forces, playing roles in allied military police, engineering, and special operations units, according to NATO..
Exercise Engineer Thunder 23 featured the participation by over 1,000 troops from 11 NATO countries. Credit: NATO via Storyful
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