'Mini Mentley' Car Wins UK Leg Of Global Hot Wheels Competition
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'Mini Mentley' Car Wins UK Leg Of Global Hot Wheels Competition. A redesigned 1983 Austin Mini resembling the iconic Bentley Speed 8s of the 1920s has been named the victor of the 2024 Hot Wheels Legends Tour UK, potentially earning the right to be immortalised as a real Hot Wheels model. The announcement was made at the NEC, during the SlammedUK’s Gravity Show, the nation’s premier event for modified and supercars. Owned by musicians Dominic Whittle, Gary Selby, and Mike Williams, the ‘Mini Mentley’ car is set to represent the UK on the global stage, with the potential to become a 1:64 scale die-cast model. It began life as a track day car, but over time evolved into the showstopper it is today. Under the bonnet lies a meticulously engineered 320bhp TVR V8 engine, paired with a Range Rover gearbox. When enhanced with nitrous through its straight exhaust pipes, initial tests suggest it could achieve 0-60mph in just three seconds—if the driver dares! The trio of owners have taken the 'Mentley' on a tour across Europe, performing in France, Italy, and Germany, with their instruments strapped to the luggage rack, all in aid of Save the Children. “It’s an incredible honour for us to win the UK round of the Hot Wheels Legends Tour with 'Mentley', validating all the hard work (and fun) that went into creating it," said Dominic Whittle. ”Our passion for cars started when we were just six years old, and it's fantastic to be here 53 years later with a vehicle that embodies those childhood dreams”. The Mini 'Mentley' triumphed over more than 180 entries, impressing the judging panel, led by Hot Wheels’ design manager Craig Callum. Following its victory in the UK leg of the Hot Wheels Legends Tour, the Mini 'Mentley' will now compete against regional finalists in the Global Semi-Final on 2 November, and the Grand Finale on 11 November.
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