Mom Gets Revenge on Sons With Epic Fake Finger Prank

5,822 次觀看・5 年前

Felicity Kane got sweet revenge on her two sons when she pulled off a frightening prank that left all three of them laughing.

Kane has been playing pranks on her sons, Harrison and Finlay, every day for the last few weeks and posting them to various social media accounts for people to enjoy.

Kane told Storyful, “The boys and I have a big love for pranking each other, making each other laugh and being everyday silly.” It seems that the boys are usually pranking their mom but this time the tables were turned.

The video shows Kane pretending to cut her finger off while chopping up some vegetables. Her sons come running in and everyone screams in a state of panic.

She poured fake blood on the cutting board for the most realistic effect, and it worked like a charm. Her sons seem to freak out and are initially unable to act when Kane screams at them to get her phone.

As the boys look for her phone and realize they are being filmed from it, they realize the entire situation is a set up and everyone begins to laugh.

The videos they post are light hearted and filled with jokes. Kane makes sure that the boys know the value of family and appreciate the time they spend together. When asked about their general online social media presence, Kane told Storyful, “Not only is it the best family bonding that we share online, it’s creating daily memories and makes them think about the time we spend together.” Credit: Felicity Kane via Storyful