'Guardians of The Galaxy' Stars Guess Lines From Groot, Star-Lord, & Rocket | Who Said That? | ELLE
1 年前
'Guardians of the Galaxy' stars Karen Gillan and Pom Klementieff test their knowledge of Volumes I and II by seeing if they remember WHO said WHAT lines. With such a stacked cast, the challenge should be difficult, but having such iconic characters like Groot played by Vin Diesel, Starlord by Chris Pratt, and Bradley Cooper as Rocket, 'Mantis and Nebula's' knowledge proves to be superior. Get ready for Vol III of 'Guardians of The Galaxy' by time-traveling through lines of volumes past.
Follow Pom Klementieff on IG: https://www.instagram.com/pom.klementieff/?hl=en
Follow Karen Gillan on IG: https://www.instagram.com/karengillan/?hl=en
Watch Volume III of 'Guardians of The Galaxy' in theatres today.
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