National Guard Airman Treks Across Iowa for Mental Health Awareness
2,528 次觀看・4 年前
An Iowa National Guard airman has been traversing the state on foot to promote awareness of depression and other mental health issues, the Defense Department said in a press release dated June 26.
The journey will take Technical Sgt Jeff Campbell 389 miles, crossing Iowa from east to west.
Footage shows Campbell walking down a road.
Speaking about mental-health troubles in the video, Campbell says: “You can’t escape it, no matter where you’re at in the world, if you’re struggling mentally, you have to be able to step outside that small time and say hey – this isn’t gonna be forever.”
Campbell estimated that the walk would take him 20 days. Credit: Senior Master Sgt. Vincent De Groot/Defense Visual Information Distribution Service via Storyful
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