NATO chief: N. Korean troops in Russia are ‘significant escalation'
STORY: :: Nato's chief comments on North Korea's involvement in the Ukraine war
:: Berlin, Germany
:: November 4, 2024
:: Mark Rutte, Nato Secretary General
“Well, North Korean troops being deployed in Russia against Ukraine, this is a significant escalation and it makes us even more focused and determined to make sure that Ukraine has what it needs to fight off the Russians, including the North Koreans.”
“We know that Russia is working here together not only with North Korea. China is providing dual use goods and is helping with sanction circumvention. And of course, we know that Iran is involved in helping Russia with the war effort, so this motivates us to step up, to do even more.”
Speaking at a joint news conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin, Rutte added Nato was motivated to "step up", especially as Iran and China were also both working with Russia.
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