As COVID-19 Cases Rise in Nashville, Thousands Gather at Christian Rock Concert
Thousands of Christians gathered for a concert led by musician Sean Feucht in downtown Nashville on October 11, with The Tennessean reporting the crowd was “packed together and largely maskless.”
Feucht, who describes himself online as a “missionary, musician, artist, speaker, author, activist, and the founder of multiple worldwide movements,” said local police estimated that over 9,000 people were in attendance.
The Tennessean said officials had not confirmed if the event was authorized. However, city health officials have been urging residents “to wear a mask” and “give other people extra space.”
The Metro Public Health Department in Nashville reported 170 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 on October 11, increasing the number of active cases to 1,243. Metro Nashville leaders voted on October 7 to increase enforcement of the county’s mask mandate, local media reported.
The event was one of six planned by Feucht across the country during October. Feucht held a similar event in Redding, California, on July 22, local media reported. Credit: Isaiah David Cotton via Storyful
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