Munich prepares for Oktoberfest as beer prices rise

STORY: Munich’s innkeepers are getting ready for Oktoberfest,

the world’s largest beer festival

as inflation has caused

the price of the beverage to rise

Location: Munich, Germany

A beer at last year’s festival

ranged around $13.43 to $14.71

This year, visitors can expect prices

between $14.93 and $15.78

(Peter Inselkammer, Innkeepers’ spokesperson)

“The price obviously rose compared to last year, in line with inflation, around 6 or 7%. We need that because our expenses rose again, especially also as far as staff is concerned. It’s important that we’re able to substantially increase salaries because we need the people and they are seriously thinking about whether it’s worth working at the Oktoberfest.”

Hundreds of thousands of visitors

are expected during the two-week long party