The Nigerian artist using pens to portray emotion

1,913 次觀看・2 年前

STORY: “My name is Jacqueline Suowari and I am a visual artist. I primarily use the ballpoint pen to draw."

This Nigerian artist uses her pen to portray human experience

She uses up to 20 ballpoint pens on each art piece

“This lady has decided to create her own style and her own confidence even though that's not necessarily what society expects.”

Suowari hopes her work will spur debate about societal issues

from mental health to gender inequality

"I feel like when we have to force human people into moulds and force them to kill forms of expression on themselves it creates a vaccuum and a lot of people are angry. A lot of people are walking around with mental illness and they do not even know that they have those problems and for me I feel like that this is a very serious problem in our society. People have a lot of suppressed emotions and this is something that I hope to bring into realization or into people's mind."

Suowari studied at Nigeria's University of Port Harcourt

She now runs an academy training young kids in various art forms

"Ultimately, the goal of art is to touch human lives. I mean my art is to be able to shift people from how they think. Inspire them to think in a different way. Inspire them to relate with us in a different way and hopefully spark this wildfire within society that will create a constant change."