Rare Aztec ritual offerings put on display in Mexico
1 年前
STORY: This is the first time in 500 years
these carvings have been shown
Templo Mayor Museum, Mexico City
The carved masks, scepters and more
were buried as Aztec ritual offerings
Some weapons were believed to
have been wielded by ancient gods
[Maria Barajas, Curator]
"Many of them are masks that represent the god of rain, Tlaloc, but we have also found anthropomorphic masks. Many of them have to do with warriors who died during the war because you can see in the masks their eyes half-open, even their mouths are open, so the researchers have suggested that they represent warriors who died during the battle."
Most pieces were excavated from
Templo Mayor, next to the museum
The ruins were once the Aztecs' holiest shrine
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