Would you drink a pint of 'powdered beer'?

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STORY: Would you drink powdered beer for happy hour?

Location: Neuzelle, Germany

This brewery has developed an alcohol-free beer powder to reduce the carbon footprint of exports

A couple of spoons of powder, stir in water and your pint is ready

[Stefan Fritsche, General Manager / Klosterbrauerei Neuzelle Brewery]

"So we have now invented a completely new product, the beer powder, the first in the world. What we are doing is that we can now create a complete beer from a normal powder. This is an approach that has never existed before. This means that we can substitute the complete transport of a normal bottle with the powder'

'We have calculated that in regards to Germany, we can save about 3 to 5 percent of the CO2 emissions for Germany alone. And if you look at it globally, that would be about half a percent of CO2 emissions worldwide that we could reduce. Of course, that's not much at first, but worldwide it's a gigantic sum.'

The powder can create lager, pilsner or dark beer

Klosterbrauerei Neuzelle says the first beer tastings with the powder brew have been promising

and are confident to have a market-ready product by the end of 2023

In the future breweries could get a beer powder and add their own water, before filling it into bottles

'The beer powder can be brewed there and can then be exported from the Gigafactory to another country, where you would have a bottling company. We are already looking for partners in this area who might want to support us and build up our start-up. It could then be bottled there in the first stage. In the next stage, we can then consider whether to give the powder to the end customer.'