Japanese students trained in 'Hollywood' smiles

STORY: These Japanese art students are learning how to smile again

The classes are run by former radio host Keiko Kawano

[Keiko Kawano, Smile coach at Egaoiku]

"Mouth, cheeks, eyes. It's the order. It's also important to pay attention to the order. That's the perfect smile."

Kawano has seen demand for her services surge in Japan

where mask-wearing was near universal during the pandemic

An hour-long one-on-one lesson costs about $55

(Himawari Yoshida, Student)

"I hadn't used my facial muscles much during COVID so it was a good workout for my face."

Kawano's customers range from companies seeking more approachable salespeople

to local governments looking to improve their residents' well-being

[Ryu Ishii, Student]

"I think you could absolutely put this to good use when job hunting. With job hunting, there are a lot of people coming and going, so that first impression is extremely important."

[Keiko Kawano, Smile coach at Egaoiku]

"He got 85 points. Anything over 80 points is a good smile."