Macau casinos boom as visitors flock back
STORY: The good times seem to be back at casinos in Macau.
Revenues in the world’s biggest gambling hub soared 366% on the year in May, hitting just over $1.9 billion.
That was the highest since January 2020, before the health crisis had fully gripped China.
Casinos are now seeing visitors flock back after the lifting of lockdowns.
They also got a boost from a five-day national holiday in May.
Around half a million visitors crowded into the former Portuguese colony just over that period.
But the rush comes as the territory grapples with an acute labor shortage.
That’s a key concern for big casino operators like Sands China and Wynn Macau.
Authorities are also keen to diversify sources of income for Macau, which depends on gambling for more than 80% of government revenues.
None of that has stopped casinos investing, however.
Sands last week officially opened its “Londoner” resort.
That includes a 6,000 seat arena and a replica of London’s Big Ben clock tower.
It was the first big opening since the global health crisis, with former England football star David Beckham helping draw crowds to the new attraction.
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