What is ‘The Mose’ and how does it keep Venice dry?

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STORY: What is ‘The Mose’ and how does it keep Venice dry?

It was activated after a high tide of 5.6 ft was forecast - near record levels

successfully warding off any flooding that could leave large areas of the city under water

The Mose is a system of 78 flood gates rising from the Venetian lagoon floor

It was designed in 1984 to protect Venice and its Piazza San Marco

from tides of up to 3 meters, well beyond current records

Over the years, the city has been affected by regular high tides

In 2019 the city was devastated by the second-highest tide ever recorded

The multi-billion-euro project was plagued by corruption, cost overruns and prolonged delays

but finally began operating in October 2020