The Nigerian breathing new life into bagpipes
STORY: It's the distinctive sound of Scottish music being played thousands of miles from the UK.
This is Nigeria's capital Abuja.
Marching through its streets: the Scottish Power Pipe Band.
It was founded in the early 2000s by Chukwu Kalu who is on a mission to revive a fading interest in bagpipes.
"What we are doing in the recent times is to drop down the songs to the songs that we are familiar with, that we can also sing or that when you're singing them, playing them with the pipe, somebody can also sing along with you."
Bagpipe music has been on the decline in Nigeria since independence from Britain in 1960.
But it fascinated self-taught musician Kalu when he was just 18-years-old, after seeing a bagpipe-playing policeman.
Over the past two decades Kalu has grown the band into a 24-member group that performs at weddings and national events.
He also trains police officers and local youth.
"Instead of engaging into crimes, that they should engage themselves in learning this special instrument, because this is a special instrument. I can tell you it's a special instrument, it is not common. Anybody who eventually learn how to play the bagpipe can never be hungry."
Kalu says his dream is to one day visit Scotland's National Piping Center with his band.
It's a trip that would further solidify the connection between his Nigerian roots and the Scottish influence that has shaped his musical journey.
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