Peru families seek justice for protest deaths

STORY: As Peru grapples to restore stability following months of anti-government protests that left 49 people dead, families that lost loved ones to the violence – which erupted following the dramatic Dec. 7 ouster of leftist President Pedro Castillo - say they cannot forgive and forget… now, they are out to seek justice.

In the southern city of Juliaca, Asunta Jumpiri held the torn red and black sweatshirt of her 15-year-old son who was shot in the back of the head on Jan. 9…

the deadliest day of violence Peru has seen in over twenty years.

“Do you think we can forgive Dina Boluarte? No, we're not going to forgive. I'm willing to fight. I'm willing to die. For Peru, I'm willing to fight. I'm not afraid now that my son is dead, I'm not afraid of death.”

Brayan had come into town with his mother, 9-year-old younger brother and pregnant older sister to visit the doctor when he asked to split up to go to an internet cafe…

He was then caught up in the protests.

Security camera footage obtained by Reuters shows the moment he was shot, identifiable by his distinctive red-black sweatshirt.

Brayan died of his wounds three days later.

His autopsy later showed he had a fractured skull and died from head trauma caused by a firearm projectile.

“‘M’am, I’m sorry, your son has passed.' I asked why he was gone. He was moving yesterday. I wanted to see my son but they wouldn’t let me. I’ve cried.”

Growing calls for justice pose a hurdle to restoring peace…

Since the first protest death in mid-December, prosecutors have opened at least 11 investigations into the deaths of some of the people killed during clashes with security forces.

Family members of the victims have joined together, getting legal support and forming an association to spur authorities to action.

Boluarte has said there will be no "impunity" when it comes to protest deaths, but families say they've seen little progress.