Twins from across Europe gather in Austria

590 次觀看・1 年前

STORY: This is a gathering of twins from across Europe

and a three-day celebration of life in pairs

Locator: Braunau, Austria

(Jasmin and Sonja Ali, Twins from Austria)

Jasmin: “Hi, we are Jasmin and …”

Sonja: “Sonja – from Graz (Austria).”

“The special thing is that here we get to experience how others usually see us.”

Jasmin: “You get a different point of view. Usually, we are the twins and everyone is looking at us. But here it is a different perspective.”

Sonja: “Now we get to stare at a bunch of other twins."

About 50 pairs got together this year

with the majority coming from

Germany, Austria and Switzerland

(Brigitte and Gudrun Koeth, Twins from Germany)

Brigitte: “The dynamic in this large group of twins, this community feeling, that’s great, it’s just fun.”

Gudrun: “And if someone attends for the first time, they are instantly welcomed. It is great.”

The first meeting was held 39 years ago