Two dead at Virginia high school graduation shooting
STORY: A high school graduation celebration in Virginia became a tragedy Tuesday after a gunman killed at least two people outside the venue.
Police said a man armed with four handguns fired into a crowd that emerged from a commencement ceremony held at the Virginia Commonwealth University campus in downtown Richmond.
Two men, aged 18 and 36 died and five others were wounded.
The suspected shooter, a 19-year-old man, who knew one of the victims, was arrested. He likely faces two counts of second-degree murder, in addition to other offenses, police said.
Mayor of Richmond Levar Stoney said the incident was not only tragic, but traumatic for the graduating students.
[Levar Stoney, Mayor of Richmond]
“Whether it's in Richmond, whether it's in Virginia whether it's in the United States, this should not be happening anywhere. A child should be able to go to their graduation and walk up to their graduation and enjoy the accomplishments with their friends and family. This is a selfish act, a senseless act and to me it is cowardice.”
This shooting marks the 279th the US has had this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive.
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