UAW expands strike at Ford and GM

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STORY: The United Auto Workers union expanded its strike to add two more plants on Friday...

...with workers walking off the job at Ford's Chicago assembly plant and a General Motors facility in Lansing, Michigan.

But the union spared Stellantis after last-minute concessions by the Chrysler parent.

The latest move by the UAW brings the total number of workers on the picket lines to 25,000, or about 17% of the union's 146,000 members at the three automakers.

"Some of these people, the second tier workers, they start at $16, $17 an hour. You can make that at McDonald's"

Reuters spoke to Margie Hamilton, a General Motors worker for 45 years.

"General Motors is supposed to be a quality place to work. It's supposed to be a place where you can raise your family. You can't raise your family on $17 an hour."

Ford CEO Jim Farley warned on Friday that suppliers are (quote) "on a knife's edge" as a result of the strike and if it continues as many as 500,000 supplier employees could be laid off.

GM said in an email to employees it still has (quote) "not received a comprehensive counteroffer from UAW leadership to our latest proposal made on September 21.”

Adding that calling for more strikes is, (quote) “just for the headlines, not real progress."

A source familiar with the situation, speaking on condition of anonymity said that the UAW is expected to continue work stoppages currently under way until a new contract is ratified.

Meanwhile, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer wants automakers and the UAW to reach a new contract deal as soon as possible, warning of the impacts of a prolonged strike and partial federal government shutdown.