Nightclub fire kills over a dozen in Spain's Murcia
STORY: More than a dozen people have been killed after a fire tore through adjoining nightclubs in the Spanish city of Murcia, emergency services said on Sunday (October 1).
They added that rescuers were still searching for those unaccounted for after the blaze.
Footage released by Murcia's fire service showed firefighters working to control the flames.
Outside the club, shocked young people hugged as they waited for information.
This witness says he left moments before the alarms went off and all the lights went out.
Some of his family and friends are still missing.
The fire broke out in the early hours in Atalayas, on the outskirts of the city.
Diego Seral, of Spain's National Police, told reporters the dead were found in the La Fonda nightclub, which had sustained the majority of fire damage, including the collapse of its roof.
A spokesperson for the Teatre nightclub told reporters the fire originated in La Fonda, before spreading to the other two adjoining clubs.
The cause of the blaze is being investigated.
Spanish media reported several birthday celebrations were taking place at the time.
Murcia's Mayor, Jose Ballesta, told a Spanish TV channel the fire was now under control.
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