North Korea Holds Military Parade in Pyongyang to Mark 75th Anniversary of Armed Forces
North Korea held a parade in the capital Pyongyang on Wednesday night, February 8, to mark the 75th anniversary of the country’s armed forces.
Satellite imagery released by Maxar Technologies shows large formations of troops in Kim Il Sung Square. A column of more than a dozen ballistic missile launchers can be seen in formation driving past the square.
Other imagery shows lines of military vehicles at Mirim Airport
Citing the North’s state media, South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency reported that Kim Jong-un delivered a speech on the eve of the parade in which he said North Korea had “the strongest troops in the world.”
“For the everlasting peace, prosperity and development on this land, we’ve developed great and absolute power while enduring so many sufferings and pain,” Kim said, as translated by Yonhap. Credit: Maxar Technologies via Storyful
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