Photographer Captures Comet Neowise Timelapse Over Exeter

4 年前

Comet Neowise was visible over the UK on July 7, with photographer Alyn Wallace capturing footage of the icy space phenomenon over the city of Exeter, in the southwest of England.

According to Scientific American, the comet swept past the sun on July 3, before becoming visible to the naked eye.

The comet’s name comes from its first being spotted on March 27 by scientists using the Near-Earth Object Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) space telescope, though its official title is C/2020 F3.

Wallace shared a YouTube vlog detailing the process of capturing a clear view of the comet. Sharing a still image of the comet to Facebook on July 7, he wrote that it was his “first time photographing a comet with a tail.”

Wallace said he drove for two and a half hours to Exeter from where he lives in Wales to get the ideal vantage point. Credit: Alyn Wallace Photograhy via Storyful