Plane Passengers Stand as Israel's Memorial Day Siren Sounds

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A passenger on an El Al Airlines flight said travellers were asked to stand in mid-air as the siren sounded for Israel’s Memorial Day on Monday, May 13.

Elli Fischer said he was travelling on El Air flight LY542 and was in the air at 11 am Tel Aviv time, which is when the second siren of the Israeli Memorial Day Yom HaZikaron sounded.

“Never experienced this before. On and El Al flight in mid-air, while the siren sounded in Israel, the crew asked us all to stand in silence,” Fischer wrote.

People marking Israel’s memorial day normally stop their activities to observe the siren sound. The day commemorates “soldiers and people who lost their lives during the struggle to defend the State of Israel,” according to the Israel Defense Forces. Credit: Elli Fischer via Storyful