Family of 9 celebrates Black History Month with 'It's OK To Be Black' lip sync

144,420 次觀看・2 年前
A family honored Black History Month with a stirring lip-sync, and their powerful message touched many TikTokers. Orlando and Sparkle Wash, better known as @mr_mrs_wash on TikTok, gained over 257,000 views and nearly 1,000 comments when they posted the video in February 2021. In the video, each member of the Wash family takes a turn in front of the camera, as the song "It's OK To Be Black" plays overtop. At the end, the family gathers for a group shot as they smile and lip-sync together, "It's OK to be Black". TikTok got emotional. “Absolutely beautiful. This family makes my heart smile," wrote one user. “Why did I almost cry?" another user asked