Portland Protesters Set Fire to Base of Elk Statue During 46th Consecutive Night of Demonstrations

4 年前

During a night of unrest in Portland, Oregon, on Sunday, July 12, protesters set fire to an empty fountain and the base of an elk statue that was recently removed during protests in the area.

During clashes on July 11, one protester, named as Donavan La Bella, was hospitalized after he was shot in the head with an impact munition, the Portland Tribune reported. Mayor Ted Wheeler has announced that US Marshals will investigate the incident.

Protesters gathered on July 12, the 46th consecutive day of protests in Portland, to call for justice for La Bella, local media reported.

The Oregonian reported that a “120-year-old statue of an elk” that sat atop the David P. Thompson Fountain was removed from downtown Portland after protesters damaged its base by setting it on fire during July 1 demonstrations.

This video shows a figure lying on the base as fire burns in the empty fountain beneath on Sunday night. Credit: Drew Hernandez via Storyful