A premature baby weighed less than 1lb and was so fragile he was kept safe in BUBBLE wrap

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Meet the premature baby born 15 weeks early weighing less than 1lb and so fragile he was kept safe and warm - in BUBBLE wrap. Little Larenz Carr, now one, arrived on 28th October 2019 at St Michael's Hospital, Bristol, at 25 weeks. He tipped the scales at just 13oz and medics popped him in a sandwich bag to regulate his temperature by mimicking his mother's womb. They then put him in an incubator, where he was wrapped him bubble wrap to keep warm. The little boy spent five months in the neonatal intensive care unit at Southmead hospital, Bristol, before he was big and strong enough to head home with his parents, Vickie Carr, 29, and Rohan Carr, 32, a customer service advisor. Larenz is one of the tiniest babies to be born and survive and doctors were shocked that he had such a strong heart beat when he was born. Larenz was so small his skin was see-through and you could see his organs when he was born, but he defied all the odds to come home and is now thriving. The little boy has no developmental delays - much to the surprise and delight of doctors and his proud parents. This video was filmed on the 1st June 2021.