Rescue Helicopter Searches for Missing Queensland Motorcyclist Following Flooding
Police, Fire and Rescue services and a LifeFlight helicopter are searching for a man whose motorcycle was found abandoned in floodwaters at Cedar Pocket, Australia, on February 23.
Gympie Police said in a press release that the 54-year-old man’s motorcycle was found 200 metres from Green Creek Bridge, Cedar Pocket Road at around 7:30am on February 23. RACQ LifeFlight said the man was believed to be returning from work overnight but never made it home.
National media reported that the Gympie region of Queensland was hit by a “scary” amount of rain, with more expected in coming days.
The Bureau of Meteorology said over 300mm had fallen near Gympie in just six hours.
The floods have claimed the life of 60-year-old woman, who was found in a submerged car at Belli Park, in the northern Sunshine Coast, ABC reported. Credit: RACQ LifeFlight Rescue via Storyful
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