After Ford, Canadian union trains sights on GM
STORY: Canadian union Unifor is turning its attention to General Motors.
Earlier its members ratified a three-year deal with Ford, averting possible strike action there.
The agreement features wage increases of up 25% at the firm’s facilities in Canada.
On Tuesday (September 26), talks begin with GM.
Negotiators mean the Ford deal to set a pattern for an outcome there.
Meanwhile, strikes continue in the U.S.
Ford says “significant gaps” remain to be closed in talks with the United Auto Workers.
But the strikers appear to have bipartisan backing.
Earlier this week, Republican Senator Josh Hawley visited a picket line at one GM plant.
He said the workers deserved better pay and benefits, and a guarantee that their jobs would stay in America.
President Joe Biden is expected to say something similar when he visits a picket line in Michigan on Tuesday.
While former President Donald Trump - Biden's likely 2024 election rival - plans to make a speech on auto issues in the same state on Wednesday (September 27).
The UAW last week launched strikes at 38 GM and Stellantis facilities in 20 U.S. states.
But it said sufficient progress had been made with Ford to avoid escalating strike action there.
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