Strike ends at key Chevron gas plant in Australia
STORY: A strike that threatened global gas supplies has ended.
Unions on Friday (September 22) called off a stoppage at two liquified natural gas facilities in Australia owned by Chevron.
A deal was struck after mediation by the country’s industrial arbitrator.
It features improved pay and job security among other conditions.
That brought to an end a walkout that began two weeks ago.
The Gorgon and Wheatstone facilities supply about 7% of the world’s LNG needs.
News of an impending strike there had roiled global gas markets, sending prices up as much as 35% in August.
The unease was stoked by labor unrest at an even bigger plant run by rival Woodside Energy.
When that dispute was resolved, unions pushed Chevron to match terms agreed by Woodside.
That set entry-level pay for offshore platform technicians at around $225,000.
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