French couple turn home into nativity scene museum

STORY: This French couple have collected more than 900 nativity scenes

Location: Bois-Grenier, France

Jean-Pierre and Veronique Verschelde converted the basement of their home

into a small museum for the Christmas decorations

(Veronique Verschelde, nativity scene collector)

“We currently have 922 nativity scenes from 68 different countries. This really allows us to discover the world through nativity scenes. We have all kinds of nativity scenes, and it’s great.”

(Jean-Pierre Verschelde, nativity scene collector)

"My favorite nativity scene is this one, it's a nativity scene we found at the Colmar Christmas market made with gingerbread and sugar. It's made by the artist Marquetta, and when we see how she uses sugar like lace, it's an amazing nativity scene.