Greece's 'souvlaki' prices soar under inflation

STORY: This popular Greek street food is feeling the heat of inflation

Souvlaki prices have spiked as Greece's inflation hits a 28-year high

Location: Athens, Greece

[Thanasis Golas, Restaurant owner]

"I can't maintain the business, as long as raw materials are going up then I have to increase the prices, and whoever is able to, can eat otherwise we can't do any different, we will have to close."

The famous dish wraps meat, tomatoes, onions and yogurt in a flour pita

It costs on average 30% more than it did last summer

[George Mavrogiannis, Customer]

"I bought the souvlaki for three euros, I think it's the cheapest store I found in Athens. I have paid 3.50 and 3.70 euros for it. The thing is, it is my beloved snack. When you are out and you don't have the time to go home and eat you can buy one of these to eat. But for it to have become so expensive when wages are at the same level is a bit unfair, I would say."

[Morina Ntotsi, Customer]

"In the past I would buy three or two souvlaki, today I only bought one, because it is very expensive and wages are low right now."

But some souvlaki fans aren't deterred by the surging prices

[Dave Disis, Customer]

"I would pay 10 euros for that souvlaki, it's delicious."