Japanese Trump supporters rally in Tokyo

107,545 次觀看・3 年前

About 120 people joined the march in central Tokyo, with participants waving American and Japanese flags and holding banners claiming Trump was "the true winner" of the Nov. 3 election.

"We wanted to show that many people in Japan are supporting President Trump," rally organiser Naota Kobayashi told Reuters. "We all chanted together so that our voice can fly over the Pacific Ocean and reach the U.S."

Some Trump fans in Japan are drawn to his hard-line stance against regional rival China.

Others like Kobayashi are part of conservative Christian sects, while some are adherents to QAnon - a conspiracy theory that posits that Trump is secretly fighting a global cabal of child-sex predators that includes prominent Democrats, Hollywood elites and "deep state" allies.

Tokyo has seen a series of pro-Trump demonstrations since the election, with participants waving his campaign banners and wearing his signature red caps. Wednesday's march was smaller than some previous events.