Saguaro cacti suffering under Arizona's extreme heat
STORY: Even the cacti can't take the heat anymore
Arizona’s extreme heat and prolonged drought are taking a toll
on the iconic and resilient desert cacti, Saguaro
[Tania Hernandez, Research scientist, Desert Botanical Garden]
"We have seen them suffering the effects of extreme heat and drought and some people report that Saguaros are falling, Saguaros are losing their arms, the shape is changing, they are leaning. And we still don't know if this is related to extreme heat and drought due to climate change, but do we suspect that is the case."
Summer monsoon rains the cacti rely on have failed to arrive
The plant needs to cool down at night or through rain and mist
If that does not happen they sustain internal damage
[Tania Hernandez, Research scientist, Desert Botanical Garden]
"Plants can hold on during the whole dry season for this wet season to arrive, but they just can hold so long, right? And if the rain doesn't arrive on time, the plant starts suffering for internal damage."
"For the people that live in here we know that it rains and it can rain a lot, particularly around these dates, the monsoon in the summer. And also we receive a little bit of rain in winter and that rain is crucial for plants here."
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