SoniaSu TV
哈囉大家好~我是Sonia, 來自台灣!#SoniaSuTV 剛從舊金山藝術學校表演系畢業,目前在洛杉磯生活,這裡除了有我在舊金山的生活, 旅遊, 化妝以外, 還有洛杉磯Vlog, 偶爾也會拍一些自己喜愛的事物,紀錄生活也是我的興趣! 最後也想請大家跟我一起愛動物愛狗狗!支持領養代替購買 #Adoptdontshop 【世界很多悲慘的事情,但是還是要抱持著希望堅強勇敢的下去,我們一起加油,不管什麼事情上 不喜歡浪浪可以但不要傷害他們 "Virtue is Bold, and goodness never fearful. --W. Shakespeare”】 Hi~ there! This is Sonia from Taiwan. #SoniaSuTV I was studying in Acting in San Francisco so SF is part of my life and I love it. Now I’ve live in Los Angeles and Taiwan🇺🇸🇹🇼 In this SoniaSuTV channel I’ll share my life in SF, LA, and Taiwan. Also sth like Studying abroad experiences, Traveling, Makeup, and everything in-between! Hope you guys all enjoy, and welcome to my Youtube Channel! #Adoptdontshop