Satellite Imagery Shows Bushfires Burning Across Northern Australia
179 次觀看・1 年前
Satellite images captured multiple bushfires burning across the Northern Territory, Australia, on October 3 and 4, as emergency crews imposed a total fire ban for parts of the territory.
These satellite images posted to X by the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) shows bushfires and smoke moving across the territory.
The 24-hour fire ban was imposed on October 4 for Barkly North and Barkly South.
A major highway in the Barkly region was forced to close on October 4 and 5, because of a bushfire which was burning for weeks and scorched more than 2 million hectares of land (almost 5 million acres), local media reported. Credit: CIRA via Storyful
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