Gazan taekwondo team dreams big despite blockade

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STORY: This young taekwondo team dreams

of leaving their home in the Gaza strip

to participate in international championships

Location: Khan Younis, Gaza

The ‘Funoun group’ combines acrobatics,

gymnastics and traditional taekwondo moves

The team's coach says they

lack equipment and funding

(Basil Abu Shammala, Trainer)

"Our aim is to participate in championships outside Palestine. We received invitations to participate in international championships but due to the blockade in Gaza we couldn’t participate. We hope that one day we can participate in our first international championship."

The Israeli-led blockade in Gaza has restricted

the movement of people and goods for years

(Mohammad Assaqa, Trainee)

"Our dreams and goals are always quashed. We're always hopeful to participate in a championship, and then there's a sudden closure of the border crossings which means we can't go and cannot participate in international championships, and it stops us from fulfilling our dreams."