Young parkourist hopes to help the sport grow in Madagascar
STORY: This parkourist hopes to help the sport grow in Madagascar
Location: Antsirabe, Madagascar
Todisoa Andriantsilavo, known as ‘Tsila’, discovered parkour online at 14 years old
(Todisoa Andriantsilavo, Parkourist)
"I was inspired by videos I had seen of foreigners performing and I really wanted to become like them. Then some friends and I started to teach ourselves. I am still doing this because I love the sport. I focus mainly on parkour and free running."
Tsila is one of only a handful of parkourists in Madagascar
He organizes and takes part in parkour events in Antsirabe
believing there is potential for the sport to expand in the country
"We do not have a training ground, or an area reserved for extreme sport and parkour in Madagascar. We also do not have gyms like they do abroad. Nobody helps you, it's all up to you. But I love this sport and I want to learn to get to the point of success."
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