'Stop the Steal' Protesters Rally at Georgia Capitol for Second Day
Supporters of US President Donald Trump gathered at the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta for a second day on November 19 to claim there was “widespread fraud” in the presidential election as Georgia continued its hand-recount of votes.
No evidence of widespread voter fraud has been found by authorities. President-elect Joe Biden led in the race in Georgia by approximately 12,800 votes over Trump as of Thursday morning, as election officials neared a deadline to complete a recount of ballots.
Trump has refused to concede the election, repeating without evidence that the election was “rigged.” The Department of Homeland Security has said the 2020 presidential election was the most secure in the nation’s history.
Video filmed by Brendan Gutenschwager shows Nick Fuentes, a far-right commentator and Alex Jones associate, speaking to the crowd outside the Georgia State Capitol on Thursday.
Proud Boy leader Enrique Tarrio also spoke to the crowd, and had them repeat the Proud Boy credo, which asserts that western men “created the modern world.” The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated the Proud Boys as a hate group.
Protesters chanted “do not steal elections,” “we want Trump,” and “stop the masks” during Thursday’s rally, which was the second ahead of a protest scheduled for Saturday at the capitol. Credit: Brendan Gutenschwager via Storyful
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