Firefighters Pull Man From Burning Home in Georgia
Firefighters rescued a man who collapsed while trying to escape from a burning home in Marietta, Georgia, on September 28.
In the video, firefighters are seen responding to a house fire on Horseshoe Bend Road. Neighbors told firefighters they saw a resident attempt to break a window at the back of the house to escape, before he went out of sight.
The man was found in an upstairs room of the house before being passed out a window and carried to safety.
According to Fox 5 Atlanta, Lieut Steve Bennett, from Cobb County Fire and Emergency Services, said the man was transported to hospital where he was alert and “talked during recovery”.
“This is the kind of thing that happens when you have excellent training, tons of experience and dedication to the job. Our crews did outstanding. This could not have gone any better,” Bennett added. Credit: Cobb County Fire and Emergency Services via Storyful
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