Mother Koala Enjoys Shower in Queensland Backyard as Bushfire Burns Nearby

4 年前

A mother koala enjoyed a hose-down while clinging to a tree in a backyard in Pechey, Queensland, on November 21, while a bushfire burned nearby.

This footage, filmed by a manager of a local tour company and uploaded to Facebook, shows the mum clinging to a tree in the backyard as she gets a nice cool shower. She can be seen licking the water off the bark of the tree.

“This little girl has a little baby who watched on from above,” Kara Glenn Smith from High Country Tours said.

“She came down and hopped straight on her wet mummy’s back. Some[thing] happy from our very sad week in Pechey.”

Smith added that the koala was “sitting really low in the tree in our backyard in Pechey and I noticed she was panting from the heat. It was lovely to help her out. We have a few around the neighbourhood and we often ‘water’ them in the summer. She and her baby haven’t gone very far this past week.”

A large bushfire at Pechey, near Toowoomba, had been burning for weeks and sparked a number of evacuations in affected communities.

However, Smith assured that the koala and her baby were doing just fine.

“Please note, that she is safe from the fire zone now & has always lived in our small neighbourhood. We were evacuated last Wednesday and before we left we called the wildlife carers to see if they could come & get her and her Joey. They tried but she went too high in the tree. They came back the next morning and couldn’t find her. They sent a message that our house was ok and our area was untouched by the fire.

“We were able to come back home the next day and to our joy, we found them happy and relaxed, along with the male of the family. They’ve put up with lots of heavy smoke & heat, but they are ok. "

Uncharacteristically intense bushfires in New South Wales and Queensland caused devastation to local koala populations, according to rescue centres. It was estimated that about 350 koalas perished in the NSW fires, according to the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital. Credit: High Country Tours with Taste via Storyful