Parents Put Swift Stop to Mischievous Toddler's Toilet Bowl Fun

165 次觀看・2 年前

A mischievous toddler decided that the toilet bowl at her home in Vancouver was the perfect playground.

Footage by Jennifer Alexis Blanco shows her 14-month-old daughter Astraya having a blast inside the bowl, and even trying to take a bite out of some toilet paper before a swift stop is put to her fun.

Blanco said that her partner Brandon had just finished in the bathroom and returned to their bedroom, but accidentally left the toilet door open, which was when Astraya seized the moment for some mischief.

“He gets up quickly from the bed straight to the washroom, he tells me to come, I ask why and he says, ‘Jenn you just have to come look where she is’,” she told Storyful.

“Judging by the way he sounded and that our 14-month-old daughter is quite mischievous I walked over with my phone recording, and of course to everyone’s surprise she was happily hanging out right in the toilet bowl,” Blanco said. Credit: Jennifer Alexis Blanco via Storyful