Driver Arrested After Near-Miss With Families on Florida Beach
A 26-year-old Orlando woman was arrested and charged with DUI and reckless driving after plowing down a beach in Smyrna Dunes Park, Florida, on Saturday, May 27, narrowly missing families and children, Volusia Sheriff’s Office said.
Footage from a police helicopter and bodycam shows a blue vehicle stationary in tire-high water in a bay in Smyrna Dunes Park.
Sarah Ramsammy, 26, can be seen in a green t-shirt standing beside a passenger who was also in the vehicle.
Ramsammy explained to officers that she was “not sure” what happened.
“I was the driver, and they kinda stopped us, and they said that we almost hit a child. I didn’t think that we did, but that’s what they told us,” Ramsammy said.
When informed that vehicles were not allowed on the beach, Ramsammy said: “We were just trying to turn around, we didn’t think we could do a u-turn around here, so we were just trying to keep going.”
Ramsammy was taken into custody and charged with DUI and reckless driving, and cited for failure to obey a traffic control device, Volusia Sheriff’s Office said. Credit: Volusia Sheriff’s Office via Storyful
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