Slain Los Angeles Deputy's Fiancee Speaks of Her Heartbreak as Suspect Charged
The fiancee of Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy Ryan Clinkunbroomer, who was fatally shot on Saturday, September 16, remembered him and spoke of her heartbreak at a press conference held on Wednesday.
Clinkunbroomer was shot while sitting in his patrol car in Palmdale, California.
A suspect, Kevin Cataneo Salazar, 29, was arrested at an address in Palmdale on September 18.
Cataneo Salazar has pleaded not guilty to the charge of murdering Clinkunbroomer, by reason of insanity.
Brittany Lindsey, Clinkunbroomer’s fiancee, described him on Wednesday as “the best guy" she’d ever met. “Everyone who met him or knew him loved him. I’m so happy I was able to love him, but it was not long enough," she said.
Lindsey and Clinkunbroomer had gotten engaged just four days before he was killed, Fox LA said. Credit: Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department via Storyful
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