Phillip Schofield told his brother it must 'never happen again' after hearing about sexual acts with teenage boy

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Phillip Schofield told his brother that it must 'never happen again' after hearing he had masturbated with a teenage boy, a court heard. The 'This Morning' host told a court via a written statement his younger sibling Timothy Schofield, 54, came to his home in London in an 'extremely agitated' state. Phillip said he was doing the washing up when his brother then told him he had 'watched porn' and 'wanked' with a teenage boy the year before. The TV star said he responded by stating "fuck, stop" and told him he did not want to hear any further details. The meeting between the brothers in September 2021 was two months before the alleged victim, who can not be named for legal reasons, outlined allegations to a counsellor of sexual abuse at the hands of the defendant. This later led to the arrest of Schofield, of Bath, Somerset, who is currently on trial at Exeter Crown Court. He denies 11 charges of interfering with a child between 2016 and 2019 while the victim was a teenager. In the written statement, read today and given after his brother was arrested, Phillip said his brother had phoned him on 12 September 2021 asking if it was "ok to talk." Phillip said: "Tim was in an extreme state of agitation - he said he was on the verge of killing himself. "He said his head was in a mess. He was clearly very upset and I asked if he could safely drive. "I asked him to drive to my address in London. Around two hours later he arrived and I could see he was in a heightened state of agitation. "It was distressing to see him in such a state - he was as angry as I've ever seen him. I told Tim to come inside and over the next couple of hours we spoke." "He was furious, angry ranting and raving." In the statement, Phillip added: "I was washing up and Tim was standing behind me. He said 'you're going to hate me for what I am about to tell you.' Phillip then told his brother there was "nothing" he could say that would make him hate him. But he said his brother then told him he had a "time together" with the alleged victim. The defendant told him they had "watched porn and wanked together last year." Phillip added: "I turned and said, what did you just say? "He said it was just this time and I told him it should never happen again.'' After starting to reveal further intimate details, Phillip in his statement: "I said - fuck, stop and shouted he had to stop at this point. I did not want to hear any details. "I just did not want to hear any of the details but it sounded like it was just one time. I said I don't want you to tell me anymore." Phillip said he then told his brother: "Regardless of how it happened, it must never happen again." The court heard the defendant continued to describe the incident, and Phillip said: "You must not do it again." Phillip said he never spoken with his brother about the incident again. He ended his statement by adding: "I don't have a relationship with Tim like a brother. There are seven years between us and I moved away when he was ten." The court earlier heard the victim had spoken to two counsellors about what he said happened to him. The dates of these sessions were on the 10 November and 30 November 2021, two months after Phillip met with his brother. In a written statement, the first counsellor who he spoke to, said: "He wanted to tell me something he had never told anyone else. "He told me he was coerced into masturbating with (the defendant) and engaged in oral sex while watching porn material." She said she encouraged him to tell family members so they could work out the best way to proceed. The second counsellor, who saw him. said: "I was shocked by his disclosure but remained professional. ''He was sat looking down and my impression was he was scared and uneasy and really burdened by what had happened and he needed to say it. "I asked if he told anyone about it before. He said he told private counsellor a couple of weeks ago. "I said I could not keep what he told me to myself. He looked shocked when I told him and said he did not want me to tell the police." The trial continues.