Royal Mail threatened to stop delivering to couple because cat was 'attacking' the postman
1 年前
Royal Mail threatened to stop delivering to a couple over claims their naughty cat was attacking posties through the letterbox.
A letter sent to Lee Haynes and Jo Woodley said their tabby's roaming paws were making visits to their house dangerous.
The pair say Ernie, a "placid" three-year-old, was just playing - but Royal Mail asked for action to protect its workers.
So Lee and Jo from Tamworth, Staffs., have now installed an exterior letterbox their pet can't get at.
School site worker Lee, 44, said: "It's hilarious. He's such a placid cat and this is like he's got some kind of ASBO.
"It's so funny. They've sent [the letter] all the way from Plymouth, instead of just sticking a note on the door.
"It's not malicious. It’s a game to him."
Ernie is an indoor cat who loves lounging about, said Lee.
But when he hears the letterbox he jumps into action.
Lee said: "Ernie spends most of his time lying down but he's just fascinated by the letterbox.
"As soon as he hears it he's there like a lightning bolt.
"His paw comes out the letterbox to try and grab whatever's there, but maybe he’s accidentally grabbing the postman's fingers.
"He doesn't use his claws, just the pads of his paws to try and grab the letter.
"But I wonder if the postman thought he might scratch."
The letter, sent in July, was titled 'Potential suspension of deliveries to your address'.
It said: "We're experiencing difficulties in delivering mail to your address because of the actions of a cat at your property.
"Your cat is behind the letterbox clawing at mail and fingers."
The letter continues, suggesting ways Lee and Jo could combat the problem.
It says they have 14 days from the date the letter was received to take action - or it "may be necessary to suspend deliveries".
Lee and admin worker Jo, 45, were advised to fit a metal cage on the inside of their letterbox or find an "alternative delivery point".
So Lee bought a £30 external mailbox and installed on the wall of the house a few days later.
And he said: "I think Ernie's very disappointed."
A Royal Mail spokesperson said: “While Royal Mail is committed to providing a consistent daily delivery to all addresses, we do place the highest priority on the safety of our employees and will ask for appropriate measures to be put in place to ensure they can carry out their role without any harm.”
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